April 23, 2010


Scout woke up whining today. This is not unusual as of late. It has become part of her hobby.  It pains me every time she opens her mouth. I fear out of it will come that shrill that sends me over the edge.  I am uncertain as to why kids whine. I now "get" why my parents always said 'Stop the WHINING!' It has come full circle. Happy Mom and Dad?

This early morning Scout made it clear she wasn't feeling well. She wanted to stay home. She wanted to be in bed and rest.  This is never, ever the case. She is raring to go. Today, I let her stay home under the guise that she was sick.  I knew she wasn't.  I know, she just wanted to be taken care of.  She's a little envious of her little brother who gets most of the Mommy time these days.

I try to balance - though it is really hard. I mean, Scout can pee and eat by herself now.

Imagine, how much time I spend wiping butts and feeding?  So, these days I happen to be spending a lot of time with Sawyer. It's the nature of the game.

I decided I would take the kids shopping (don't ask) for some summer clothes.  It was a really poor decision. Today, Scout landed in the size 5 section.  If you are a Mom, you understand.  She graduated from toddler-hood right before my eyes. The 4T was no longer. We had to go into a dressing room for the first time in her life.  I almost had a nervous breakdown - burst into tears... but I just went with it.

Taking Scout shopping was about as fun as getting poked in the eye repeatedly with a sharp, glassy object. She doesn't like zippers. She hates "pants" with buttons. She doesn't like things that fit too tight or too lose. She doesn't like the things I like. She won't wear anything with an itchy tag. She pissed and moaned through several changings. I am certain, I am that Mom that other people look at and hate. "Does she REALLY treat her kids like that?!"  Yes, I do.  I had her facing the wall in time out in the middle of the store with no shame. I publicly retracted her movie privileges all in the name of summer clothes. She is exactly like her Dad.

The first time I took him shopping, soon after we had met, I almost died of boredom and impatience. But that is a whole other story.

Scout is going to have to wear the clothes we bought her today until she goes to High School - if I have to take her shopping anytime before that, it'll be too soon.

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