March 26, 2010


I never realized that I would be talking with my daughter about her vagina so early in life. It is surprising to me. I figured we would be having body part conversations when she was just a tad older. Not so much!

We use the word Vagina because I do not want to trivialize body parts. It isn't a 'pee-pee,' or a 'wee-wee,' or  'down there.' It is a Vagina. I decided this early on, maybe before I even had kids that I wouldn't use words that didn't explain and describe the body just as it is.

Scout is curious. She's almost 4. And, one of the funniest things happened the other day.  Grandma Liz took Scout to the store for a Pineapple.  On their way out, Scout asked to ride the little motorized horse. You know the one... by the door?  Grandma lifts her up and drops in the dime. (Yes, you can still get something for a dime)

The ride begins and all of the sudden Scout starts laughing hysterically! Grandma asks, "what is so funny, Scout?"  "It tickles my V.A.G.I.N.A Grandma!"  Let's just say I am glad I wasn't there. I think, from what I am told, that the entire grocery store went silent. My Mom burst out laughing and so did everyone else.

Clearly, Scout is aware of her body. And, I am getting her a chastity belt, pronto!

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